5 Car Care Tips for a Tough Winter

Posted October 31, 2022

The colder and snowier the locale in which you live, the more you need to ensure your vehicle is ready for cold wintery weather. According to Future Market Insights, the global automotive repair and maintenance industry is predicted to grow at a double-digit compound annual rate between 2015 and 2025.

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Categories: Car Repair

3 Reasons You Need to Keep Your Coolant Full

Posted September 23, 2022

The number of auto repair centers is ever-increasing in the U.S. In 2020 alone, there were approximately 234,700 auto repair centers, an increase of 0.9% compared to 2019, according to Statista. The increase in auto repair centers could indicate that more people are looking for car repair services. If you

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Categories: Car Repair

5 Things to Look for in an Auto Repair Shop

Posted August 27, 2022

There is no denying that vehicles are becoming a necessity in the present world. The quality of your regular maintenance checks will highly determine the service your vehicle will render to you. It may be quite strenuous to decide on the best auto shop to settle for. Worry less, as

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Categories: Car Repair

Watch Out for Overheating Engines!

Posted July 2, 2022

With temperatures now at the highest point they’ll be all year, your vehicle’s engine will be feeling the heat the next little while. Luckily, there are ways to combat the sun’s effect on your vehicle to make sure you don’t have an overheating engine to deal with. Keep an extra

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Categories: Car Repair

4 Signs You Need to Visit an Auto Repair Shop

Posted June 23, 2022

Keeping a car safely on the road is essential to most families. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, about 46% of Americans live in an area without public transportation. That means for those American families, having a fully operational vehicle is critical for them to get to work, get groceries,

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Categories: Car Repair

Recognition of Your Ignition Condition

Posted June 2, 2022

A gasoline-powered vehicle requires an ignition system to ignite fuel and turn the motor. When the ignition system is not functioning properly, your vehicle may run rough and may not pass emissions tests. Most ignition systems consist of spark plugs, spark plug wires, a distributor and some supporting equipment. Spark

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Categories: Car Repair


Posted May 4, 2022

We are all familiar with cruise control, that setting on your steering wheel or dashboard that makes it easy to just set the speed you want to drive at and just monitor speed instead of actively using the pedal to adjust your speed. But how does Cruise Control actually help you?.. First,

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Categories: Car Repair

Why is the Need for Auto Repair Shops Increasing?

Posted April 19, 2022

When electric cars were introduced, people believed that they would phase out gas-powered automobiles. However, this has not been the case. There are still more gas-powered cars on the roads than electric cars. As a result, there’s still a high demand for automotive technicians. If you own an auto repair

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Categories: Uncategorized