Transmission Maintenance 101

Posted April 1, 2022

Your vehicle’s transmission is an incredibly complex and sophisticated component that performs the vital task of powering your wheels vis-à-vis sophisticated gear-shifting mechanisms, making forward progress possible. Given its vital role in your engine’s functionality, transmission maintenance is extremely important to your vehicle’s overall health. The majority of transmission issues

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Categories: Car Repair

The Importance of Auto Repair and Maintenance Shops

Posted March 28, 2022

While you may be experienced with handling minor auto repairs on your own, nothing can quite beat a good auto repair and maintenance shop. These shops aren’t exactly difficult to find. According to, the fourth quarter of 2020 saw nearly 234,700 auto repair and maintenance shops in the United States.

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Categories: Car Repair

Winter Damage to Watch for this Spring

Posted March 1, 2022

Winter weather is hard on vehicles. Between ice, road salt, changing weather and unpredictable drivers, there are plenty of risks on winter roads. But now that it’s springtime, how do you know if your vehicle is in the clear? The answer: you don’t. But you CAN check for common winter

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Categories: Car Repair

Minor Collision, Major Consequences

Posted February 3, 2022

Roads in Western Michigan can be extremely volatile during the winter months, with snow and ice taking turns making life difficult for drivers. The most dreaded element of all, black ice, is also a constant danger here as temperatures fluctuate and moisture hardens quickly. As such, the chances of your

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Categories: Car Repair

Stay Safe this Winter

Posted January 1, 2022

Old Man Winter has definitely arrived in The Tulip City. The days are short, the temperatures are low and the snow banks are high. With treacherous road conditions now a daily threat, here are a few things you should have in your vehicle at all times during the winter months

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Categories: Car Repair

The Importance of Coolant

Posted December 1, 2021

Your vehicle’s transmission is responsible for adapting speed and torque, deftly shifting gears to ensure that the right amount of power is going to the right place and your wheels can rotate properly to make forward propulsion possible. Since it’s such a vital component and is used with great regularity,

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Categories: Car Repair

Washing your Car During the Winter

Posted November 2, 2021

Does it sometimes feel like it’s next to impossible to keep your car clean during a Michigan winter? The constant precipitation and fluctuating temperatures means that puddles, mud, etc. are tough to avoid. Even though it’s a challenge, there’s a major reason that you should make a concerted effort to

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Categories: Car Repair

A Warning Light is Flashing – Now What?

Posted October 1, 2021

Most drivers in Michigan can probably relate to the following scenario: hop into the car, start it, and instantly notice a warning light flashing angrily at you. That wasn’t on the last time you drove the car… or was it? Don’t panic. Think. What does this flashing light represent? Consult

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Categories: Car Repair

Steering Wheel Shakes

Posted September 1, 2021

On good road surfaces, cars are meant to drive smooth and steady. However, most people have experienced steering wheel vibrations at one time or another. Car parts can break or fail after continued use, and it’s not uncommon for car components to need to be replaced. Because your steering wheel

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Categories: Car Repair

Car Battery Replacement Time?

Posted August 3, 2021

The car battery is one of the most important components under the hood. It must provide the electricity to start your car and power your accessories. Without a working battery, you’re stuck. But how do you know when it’s time for a new battery? You should have one of our

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Categories: Car Repair