Warning Lights on Your Dash? Here’s What to Do
Posted November 22, 2022

There are few things more concerning than driving down the road only to see your dash light up. Cars have warning lights for various reasons, making this situation both alarming and confusing for car owners. As soon as you see warning lights on your dash, here’s what to do.
Check the Fluids
A common reason for warning lights coming on is that the car is low on fluids. Some important fluids that your car needs to run efficiently include antifreeze/coolant, windshield wiper fluid, and motor oil. When car owners continue to drive their vehicle while it is low on these critical fluids, it can result in a lot of damage. In some cases, the entire motor may need to be replaced.
Avoid this situation by immediately pulling over and checking your car’s fluids. If your car is low on fluids, do not continue driving it until you’ve refilled them.
Get it Home
After that, drive the vehicle home as soon as possible. Call a local tow truck if you’re unsure whether it’s safe to continue driving or see fluids leaking from the motor. Having a car towed home may cost you money upfront, but it will be cheaper than repairing the damaged motor if you accidentally drive a car that doesn’t have enough oil in it.
Calling a tow truck is an excellent idea for car owners that don’t know what’s wrong with their car. If the warning light warns you that the vehicle is unsafe to drive and you continue to drive it, this could result in an accident. It isn’t safe for you, your passengers, the other drivers on the road, or the car.
Call a Local Auto Shop
Fixing car problems is complicated, and if you try to do it on your own, it’s easy to make mistakes that damage your car. It’s safest to leave this kind of work to the professionals and take your car to a local auto shop. The mechanics at the shop will assess your vehicle and determine what’s wrong with it. Then, they’ll estimate what it will cost to fix your car. After that, you’ll need to have your car properly repaired before taking it on the road again.
Calling an auto shop in advance is essential. Most will require that you schedule an appointment, and some may be short-staffed. Over the next decade, it’s estimated that there will be about 69,000 openings for mechanics and technicians, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. That means some shops may have a bit of a waiting list as they try to fill staffing positions. Calling ahead can help you find the closest shop to get your car back on the road as soon as possible.
If your warning lights have come on recently and you’re not sure how to fix the problem, take your car to D’s Auto & Truck Repair. Our team of experts values honesty and open communication, and we’ll make sure you feel comfortable and informed throughout the whole auto repair process. Call now or schedule an appointment online.
Categories: Car Repair
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