Posted August 22, 2016
Fall may be a few weeks away, but back-to-school season is already here! Before the back-to-school rush catches up with all of us, now is a great time to plan ahead for the fall season. When you’re balancing work and school schedules, you rely on your vehicle to get you
Categories: Car Repair
Posted July 20, 2016
A typical combustion engine operates by controlled explosions. The gasoline inside the engine is ignited to produce the power needed to run your vehicle and drive down the roads in Holland, Michigan. This process produces a lot of heat – heat that could quickly destroy your engine if not properly
Categories: Car Repair
Posted June 23, 2016
Summer is here! While the change in seasons means nice weather and vacations, it can also mean a big change for your vehicle. Heat kills cars, which means that giving your vehicle some extra love this summer will mean avoiding expensive repairs, saving you money and headaches! While heat causes
Categories: Car Repair
Posted May 24, 2016
An emergency by definition is unexpected. You don’t know when an emergency could happen, or you could always avoid them. But with a few tips and appropriate preparation, you can stay safe in emergencies and take steps to reduce your chance of getting in an emergency situation on the road.
Categories: Car Repair
Posted April 22, 2016
The first time most drivers think about the timing belt in their vehicle is when the manufacturer’s recommend maintenance schedule says it needs to be replaced. Other drivers aren’t so lucky. These drivers are often lamenting a problem they didn’t know they had when the timing belt brakes and leaves
Categories: Car Repair
Posted March 21, 2016
Spring is in the air! The warmer weather is great for road trips and other spring getaways, but it also means wetter weather. That means this the perfect time to do a spring tire check. What should you be looking for in your tire check? First, a visual inspection can
Categories: Car Repair
Posted February 22, 2016
Coolant and Antifreeze are two names for the same fluid. The two names hint at the two functions this fluid performs. First, antifreeze is added to the water in the radiator to make sure it doesn’t freeze in cold temperatures, like the single digit and lower degree weather we see in
Categories: Car Repair
Posted January 21, 2016
You pull up to the gas station, swipe a credit card, lift the handle and start pumping gas… it’s so routine, that you don’t have to think much about filling the gas tank of your vehicle. But oops! When you look up and notice that you’re filling the tank with
Categories: Car Repair
Posted December 22, 2015
Frozen windows on the cold mornings in Holland? Not to fear! With the tricks below, you’ll be able to get back on the roads quickly to stay warm through the cold winter in Michigan. Invest in a quality ice scraper. Ice scrapers with a long handle, firm grip, and brush for
Categories: Car Repair
Posted November 24, 2015
Winter in Michigan can be unpredictable, with rapidly changing weather, slick roads, and challenging conditions. Vehicles can slip and slide on icy roads when fresh snowfall and hidden black ice make the roads deceptively slick. Checking your tire condition is always the first step – if you don’t have adequate tread
Categories: Car Repair